Friday, May 18, 2012

What is Aromatherapy?

It is the use of essential oils through various methods for therapeutic purposes. Depending on the essential oil and how it is used, aromatherapy can help with a number of physical and emotional matters. It is suspected that aromatherapy has been around for thousands of years, but the term “aromatherapy” did not originate until 1937. René-Maurice Gattefossé first used the term “aromathérapie” in a scientific paper then later in a published book.

How Does Aromatherapy Work?

That depends on how you use the essential oil(s). The most effective method is through percutaneous (skin) absorption. In baths and in massages, the essential oils work both percutaneously and through airborne particles. Once absorbed by the skin, the essential oil's molecules are transported by capillaries and interstitial fluid to all areas of the body. In an airborne capacity (room spray or diffuser), they affect the brain through nose receptor cells and the olfaction bulb. The essential oils then get into the bloodstream by absorption through the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, and respiratory tract.

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